Deb's Blog
White Colorbond Roofs With Lichen & Mould
3 White Colorbond Units
Post Date: Oct 10, 2019
Location: Geelong West
Completed Date: Sep 21, 2018
These 3 units were absolutely covered in black mould and green lichen and in desperate need of a clean up. We applied our Moss Treatment to the colorbond roofs to kill the lichen, mould & spores to prevent new growth. It then begins to disintegrate and wash away over time with assistance of the wind and ran.
The customer were concerned that nothing was happening after a couple months, generally only small changes would have occurred within that period. In between 6-12 months is when more noticeable changes occur, especially on the North and West facing sides on the colorbond roof.
12 Months later these roofs were looking fantastic! and will continue to look great for many more years to come.