Deb's Blog
How To Get Rid Of Lichen From Your Colorbond Roof?
White Colorbond House Roof
Post Date: Feb 6, 2020
Location: Newtown
Completed Date: Mar 12, 2019
Moss, Mould & Lichen is a common, unsightly & annoying organism that constantly latches onto white colorbond roofs... on most colorbond roofs for that matter. It can be difficult to keep away just using conventional high pressure cleaning, due to the spores remaining on the roof even after a pressure clean.
By applying Moss Roof Treatment we are able to kill the lichen & spores to prevent further regrowth from occurring. Whilst also cleaning up the roof, making it look appealing again.
Though it is not instant, it is much safer to get done and does not cause any damage to the roof, as it is applied at medium pressure and is a water based product.
Here you can see a great before and after Ariel shot of this white colorbond roof.